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Design of testing protocols for physical testing

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Design of testing protocols for physical testing

Version: 1.11

  • arable farming
  • horticulture
  • viticulture
  • test design
  • design/documentation; other (including: nothing)
  • Location: at user’s premises; in Italy
  • Offered by: POLIMI; UNIMI



Any test activity involves three main components, i.e.: environment (where the tests take place), protocol (definining what tests are executed and how) and evaluation metrics (used to assess the results of the tests).
In the context of testing customers’ solutions within physical facilities, this service is targeted at designing a suitable testing protocol based on the use cases specified by the customer. Components of the testing protocol defined in this phase can include:
defining the different phases of the protocol and their duration,
the operations to be executed in each phase,
quantifying the effort required in each phase, in terms of number and qualification of personnel involved
distribution of testing operations over time (times of the year/season, times of the day/week, depending on the weather)
acceptable and desired variation range for each configurable element in the testing environment (designed in service S00106)
number of test repetitions required and their distribution over the variation ranges

Example service: providing the customer with a testing protocol for a weeding robot. The testing protocol designed for the customer exploits a testing environment designed through service S0016.
Tests will be repeated 2 times, in different periods of the year (May and September): on each time, the tests will cover the whole day. The specific day of execution will be chosen to be representative of the respective season, avoiding days of rain. In each test, the robot will perform weeding on all prepared rows. Weeding operations on each row will be subdivided into three separate phases, performed at different times of the day (10:00; 14:00; 18:00). Each test will involve at least the following AgrifoodTEF personnel: one agronomist, one engineer, one technician.