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Testbed preparation

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A general and technical support before AI machine's test. Preparation of testbed in line with client's expectations, i.e. preperation of different kinds of lands (flat, dump), various area, different stage of plant growth.

Version: 1.10

  • arable farming
  • horticulture
  • greenhouse
  • tree crops
  • viticulture
  • livestock farming
  • food processing
  • test design
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • collection of test data
  • performance evaluation
  • provision of datasets
  • data analysis
  • physical system
  • software or AI model
  • data
  • design / documentation
  • other (including: nothing)
  • Location: at User's Premises, in Poland
  • Offered by: L-PIT, WODR



Image of Service Within the service we provide a general and technical support before testing of AI machines. It includes a lot of elements such as: a) preparation of flat/ slopped arable land; b) preparation of permanent flat grasslands ; c) preparation of land in "controlled rain conditions" /preparation of dump ground; d) providing and preparation of apiary; e) Providing a sprinkler for software testing. The service can be executed in fields with various area with system of weather stations, phennological stations and ICT infrastructure. There is a possibility to run the test on cultivated/non-cultivated fields and on test plots specially designed for testing. Within the latter such elements like - soil preparation, - seed/plant procurement, - seeding/planting, - plant growth management, - preparation of technical infrastructure to ensure optimal conditions for conducting and monitoring tests, can be offered to the client in order to meet his needs.