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Artifcial intelligence in irrigation systems

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Application of artificial intelligence for the development of predictive models to optimize input use and crop management in sprinkler irrigation systems

Version: 1.10

  • arable farming
  • test design
  • test setup
  • collection of test data
  • data analysis
  • physical system
  • data
  • Location: in Spain
  • Offered by: UCO



Evaluation of irrigation optimization systems using intelligent irrigation systems available on the farm. This includes:
- Pressure and flow measurements in pumping equipment and systems.
- Physico-chemical parameters of the soil
Variable distribution of water and supplies
Artificial vision systems for monitoring crops, weeds, and pests.
- Observations are carried out systematically and cover different types of conditions and crops.

This process helps verify the accuracy of the model to assess the effectiveness of site-specific distribution of inputs