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ARPA 2 - Qualification of perception systems in harsh environmental conditions (rain, fog, night)

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ARPA 2 - Qualification of perception systems in harsh environmental conditions (rain, fog, night)

Version: 1.11

  • arable farming
  • horticulture
  • greenhouse
  • tree crops
  • viticulture
  • livestock farming
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • collection of test data
  • performance evaluation
  • provision of datasets
  • physical system
  • other (including: nothing)
  • Location: in France
  • Offered by: INRAE



This test qualifies the performance of on-board detection systems on agricultural robots, ensuring safety functions under difficult environmental conditions.

In particular, these tests enable to verify the nominal operation of sensors and the preservation of their safety behavior (described in ISO 18497).

The machine or detection system is installed in the ""PAVIN Fog & Rain"" platform at CEREMA's Clermont-Ferrand site (France), which provides controlled environmental conditions and measurements of precipitation rate, distribution and size of rain and fog droplets.

The tests are carried out in a static position [robot as a whole or sensing device alone], observing the detection or non-detection of obstacles for two positions: i) emergency stop limit and ii) detection limit. The detection system tested must trigger the appropriate safety signals according to the position and nature of the obstacles under various conditions of fog density, and/or rain precipitation (ARPA 2 provides for 5 levels of rain intensity). Non-detections (False negatives) and false detections (False positives) are observed. False negatives constitute a safety non-compliance.

A technical representative from the robot manufacturer must be present during the test to configure the system to be tested appropriately, check that it is operating correctly, allow information to be checked and attend the testing. Technical and user manuals must be supplied in advance by the manufacturer to prepare the tests and compile the test report.

This test service is provided by INRAE - TSCF - AgroTechnoPôle, with CEREMA, as Test Operator, using the resources available at PAVIN platform in Clermont-Ferrand (France).