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Measuring crop variability for digital agriculture systems

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Knowing the variability of crops in a plot through nearby or remote sensors allows testing predictive crop monitoring software or variable input distribution systems.

Version: 1.10

  • arable farming
  • tree crops
  • viticulture
  • desk assessment
  • test design
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • collection of test data
  • data analysis
  • AI model training
  • Physical system
  • Software or AI model
  • Data
  • Location: in Spain
  • Offered by: UCO



The measurement of site-spatial variability of plots and crops using nearby or remote sensors such as electromagnetic probes, yield monitors, drones or satellites allows generating a data set that, together with data on environmental conditions, allows plots to be zoned and generate knowledge about the number of samples to take to validate predictive models, for example. It even allows testing predictive crop monitoring software or variable input distribution systems.