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Datasets and infrastructure for automatic monitoring of daily individual liveweigth in small ruminants

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Datasets and infrastructure for automatic monitoring of daily individual liveweigth in small ruminants

Version: 1.11

  • livestock farming
  • test design
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • collection of test data
  • performance evaluation
  • provision of datasets
  • physical system
  • software or AI model
  • Location: in France
  • Offered by: INRAE



Providing huge, hictoric, structured datasets and physical facilities under experimental conditions for testing AI solutions for developing Early Warning Systems (EWS) for small ruminants under a large spectrium of conditions. Interconnect Gold Standards and datasets. Provision of living animals (small ruminants, sheep), experimental facilities, and real-time sensor data (WoW platform) to evaluate AI systems in real farming conditions. Experimental facilities for small ruminants (sheep) including indoor and outdoor (harsh) conditions. Walk-over-Weighing (WoW) platform for real-time automatic monitoring of individual liveweight. Static scale (ISO ref.), reference datasets gathered under controlled conditions. results: Real-time EWS for individual welfare, performance and health.