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AI-Testfield – Model Improvement / Adaptation

Contact Service Provider


Provide support for improving existing models/algorithms/software through on-field data acquisition and online learning, e.g., for crop protection against agents and pests.

Version: 1.10

  • arable farming
  • horticulture
  • greenhouse
  • tree crops
  • viticulture
  • livestock farming
  • test design
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • performance evaluation
  • AI model training
  • physical system
  • software or AI model
  • data
  • design / documentation
  • Location: in Poland
  • Offered by: PSNC, L-PIT



Provide support for improving existing models/algorithms/software through on-field data acquisition and online learning, e.g., for crop protection against agents and pests. Customer equiped with AI-based solution will receive support and knwoledge transfer enabling solution improvment. Customer will receive access to the physical infrastructure for iterative solution test and improvments.