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Improve energy efficiency along agricultural value chains

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Solutions to improve energy efficiency along agricultural value chains

Version: 1.10

  • arable farming
  • horticulture
  • food processing
  • test design
  • test setup
  • test execution
  • collection of test data
  • performance evaluation
  • provision of datasets
  • data analysis
  • certification
  • software or AI model
  • data
  • Location: in Italy
  • Offered by: UNINA



The service offers comprehensive testing and implementation support for smart energy monitoring, IoT solar-energy-based sensors, and energy management systems tailored specifically for agri-food companies. Unique energy needs and challenges faced by agri-food businesses can be understood. Agri-food companies can be empowered to take control of their energy usage, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable future through long-term energy efficiency as well as smart energy management solutions tailored to their unique needs.